Searching for My Style
I struggle with trying to create and maintain a writing style that screams me . In general, I feel like the way I write isn’t unique by any means, and yet, I think I’ve finally stumbled upon a common theme in the way that I write that stretches across multiple stories of mine. A part of my style. It’s a weird one, and it’s kind of hard to explain. But I’ll do my best. -Narrative vs. Perspective- It has to do with how I perceive narrative and perspective as two separate concepts. Whether I’m writing in first or third person, there is a trend I keep returning to where I’m almost breaking the narrative, and yet, I don’t. Not in my mind. Perspective, in general, is just a way of identifying how you perceive the information given to you. In first person, you’re limited by the thoughts and observations of one singular person. In third person limited, you’re likewise limited. In third person omnipresent, you get to see the world from ...