I Have Forgotten How to Read
-I Was That Kid- When I was still just in middle school I once caught myself with no less than ten novels in my back pack. I devoured books like I was starving for literature. I always checked out the maximum number of books from the school library and picked the biggest books I could so they would last longer. But after I left high school, my time spent reading dropped drastically. At school I burned through homework like a wildfire and often had spare time during class to read. My bus commute was no less than two hours even though I lived 20 minutes from the school. But once I graduated high school, I didn’t have the obviously free time anymore where reading or staring into space were the only options I had to occupy my time. During college I’d bring my laptop with me and during my down time I leeched off the college’s wifi to play games and watch videos. During this time I became a Netflix account parasite and binged seasons upon season...