Why I Failed NaNoWriMo

I'm going to go ahead and call it because there's no way I'm hitting 50k by Saturday. I'm currently sitting on 17,500. I gave up on November 12th. And I'll tell you why. -I'm Not a Word Vomiter- Never have been, never will. I hate vomiting out words without going through and editing as I go along. It slows things down by the time you start reaching 10k words. But I did manage to push through that because I was excited to write. I wanted to just crank out the story and go back and edit later. I wanted to. But when I tripped and failed to make the daily word count my dislike for word vomiting returned. I realized I was about 5k words away from reaching the end of what I had planned for my novel and suddenly wouldn't know where to go from there. -I Didn't Quit, I Just Shifted My Focus- At that point, I decided to change my goals for NaNoWriMo. What I had wanted from NaNo all along was just to finish book one of my novel, Blood Knights . ...