The Aftermath of Gateway Con

I have a lot and nothing at all going on at the same time. I got five agents that requested material while I was at Gateway Con. I didn't like one of them because he sounded like he came from a vanity publisher, and another one told me to submit it via their website but their website isn't accepting submissions? So I sent varying requested lengths of The Un-Life to the remaining three and so far I've only gotten a brief response from one that didn't say yes or no. So I'm not sure what's going on there. I suppose I'll see what the others say before I start digging in too deep. Gateway Con was amazing. I recommend it or any other writing conference if you are an aspiring author. I met several authors that have become acquaintance-friends. Made some connections, I hope, with editors and agents. Learned some. The hotel was pretty and expensive but amazing. I bought some signed books. Conventions are a great way to boost confidence, meet people, and ...