Dana Harts: Siren's Lament

Welcome to a new segment on my blog I like to call Dana Harts! It's a silly pun on like "I ♥ NY" T-shirts and things like that. Dana Harts will be about things that I love, specifically literature and movies that I recommend. A sort a recommended reading/watching list, if you will. I'll try to give you enough information about what makes this stuff amazing without spoiling anything important. Today I'll be talking about how much I ♥ Siren's Lament ! Siren's Lament is a web comic on Line WebToons by instantmiso. It's free to read, it's beautiful, and it's pulled at my heart strings unlike anything else in a long time. It's a love triangle with hot mermaid men. What more do you want? The story follows a flower-shop owner Lyra, who is broken hearted because her best friend/crush is dating another woman. When her heart finally reaches it's breaking point, she goes to the ocean's edge and there she hears a hypnotic voice offering ...