Hardships and Hurdles

It's hard to find time to blog right now, and I apologize for that.  So here's an explanation for my absence and some updates for the future.

Long story short, my dad is in critical condition at the hospital and I've been spending most of my free time with him. It's been hard.

I don't have much to update on the pitching situation either.  One agent I still haven't heard from and the other that seemed interested hasn't replied to my follow up.

I am slowly working on a new series of blog posts that I hope to release soon.  A sort of review/recommendation of reading/watching.  When I find something I enjoy, I want to spread the word in hopes someone else will find joy in it, too.

I'm gearing up for the Steampunk Festival in Hannibal, MO. My writers guild will have a booth there. In the spirit of things I'm putting together a costume that I'll try and have finished by then. It kind of all depends on the health of my dad at that point whether I'll be at the festival or not.

I hope you are doing well, and thank you for being patient with me,

-Dana Lockhart


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