Onward and Upward

I didn’t talk about it a lot because I was honestly terrified - but this year I lost my job at no fault of my own and was unemployed for 6 months.

At the same time, I was investing in my book, which was also scary. Like, what if I dump too much money into the book and then never see it turn around? As the days drug on without a steady income, I tried to stay positive and kept grinding no matter how dismal things looked. And eventually I came out of the other side.

-A New Job - A New Start-

As of mid-September, I am an administrative assistant at a not-for-profit that helps my local community. While the organization does many, many things (including but not limited to bill assistance and low-cost healthcare), I am based out of the weatherization department.

What is weatherization? I thought to myself when I saw the job opening. Basically it amounts to repairing homes so that they are more heating/cooling efficient. We also do things like replacing siding and roofing and making safety changes to homes that house the disabled. We help people.

And I love helping people. I’ve worked at a police department, I’ve tutored students, I’ve helped people publish books. If I can help people in my career I’m happier working. I could never work at an insurance company profiting off the poor, or a beauty company profiting off people’s insecurities.

I just care too much.

Together, Helping​ Each Other, Winning, Teamwork

-Things Are Looking Better All the Time-

I love my new job and love what we do. My co-workers are great, the pay is decent, benefits are pretty sweet. I’m learning a lot more about construction and house safety. I’m doing a lot of billing/accounting-type work, which is something I’ve been eager to add to my resume. I’m one of those weird people that like numbers, watching them add up, and watching them grow.

With a steady foundation, I’m doing pretty good. Still slowly recovering from no income for a few months, but otherwise I’m getting along just fine. With one major worry off my plate, I’m able to concentrate on returning to normal with regular blog posts!

-Stay Tuned for My Next Project-

This is a short one, I know. But the next one will be longer, I promise. A lot has happened the past few months. Some good can come out of the bad.

Never stop moving forward!

-Dana Lockhart


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